i makea da art spaghetti and meatballs

Mell smell @Oddlem

Age 25, half lady half creature

pwogwammer :)

ewwww school ewww ewww yuckkkk

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Joined on 2/15/15

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OCtober prompt list!!

Posted by Oddlem - 2 weeks ago

(edit) The thread's now up and running!!!!!

Idk if anyone even remembers this, it was so long ago. Around 2018 I tried doing an inktober-esque thing in december focused on OCs, I couldn't find a single prompt that was focused on characters and that's all I wanted to draw! But I... didn't finish my OWN prompt LOL

So I waited till an october where I actually was consistently drawing to try again. And that took a REALLY long time! Because this year, I finally feel like I'm at the point where I'm drawing consistently enough to trust myself to follow through! And I want something to push me to draw a little bit more


I decided to make another prompt list! And if anyone else just wants to draw their dang OCs, you're welcome to join in if you're still looking around for prompts. You're free to interpret the questions any way you want, and you don't have to pump out fully completed art pieces every day if you don't wanna. For an extra challenge, you can also choose to create an OC from scratch and develop it throughout the month!

I'll be making a thread on the art forums on day 1, so other people hopping in can share their art!




damn these prompts are really interesting

I will do a type of OCtober chalange. Last year when i did one it did break me so ill do a toned down variant. But hopefully ill do one.

Ooh, fun. I want to, but I’ve already got a lot on my plate, so I might just use these for sketch ideas when I get bored.

that's fair!! you don't even necessarily have to use it for inktober if october's too busy!

I'll do these prompts, they look like fun!

fun! I have wanted to draw my own characters more so I may join in a bit :)

that would be neat!!

HEHEHEHEH the silly neuron is activating!!

THE SILLY NEURON!!! I haven't seen that in 50 years!!

I am so fucking slow but I want to try maybe a couple... will tag

OMG HECK YEA that’d be neat!!!!



Very neat set of prompts!

damn dude this is kinda cool
might do some of these

Well that would be neat!!

I’ll be gladly using these for October, thanks for this!

I'm glad!! we really needed some more OC prompts

This is really cooool!
Can i draw two instead? I have an OC couple that feel empty without one or the other!

you absolutely can! you can even switch OCs each day if you want B)


*grabs seldom-used A4 sketchbook with creative intent*

Do we have to all of the prompts, or pick and choose? Because this looks fun. I might join in on this.

you're not restricted to having to do all of them, as long as you're trying that's what matters!! my personal goal this year is to do all of them, but it's totally fine to mix n match for whatever suits your needs B)

This looks fun! but I might not have the time to do all of these!

Lol got banned from bbs
still gonna participate already got ~3 done

oh wtf dang I didn't know that, I'm glad you're gonna still keep at it tho!

oh HO HO [rubs hands together]
Didn't see this until now so I'll do day 1 and day 2 together :D
however I don't know if I should use an exiting one or make a new one... nonetheless excited to do this!!!

I'm so down for this. This'll be my first newgrounds event :3

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