mabey it's new and all but i'm sure you will do great and otherwise of course your friends
are there to support you ^_^ i'm sure you will be fine.
and otherwise i'm here to talk to of course :D
(and no problem ;) )
i makea da art spaghetti and meatballs
Age 25
pwogwammer :)
ewwww school ewww ewww yuckkkk
somewhere in LATAM 😱
Joined on 2/15/15
mabey it's new and all but i'm sure you will do great and otherwise of course your friends
are there to support you ^_^ i'm sure you will be fine.
and otherwise i'm here to talk to of course :D
(and no problem ;) )
Hey there, I won't sugar coat anything because I have lots of regrets about not spending my time better in school. But yes friends will move away and do their own thing, if you're lucky, maybe a couple of them will come with you. Depending on what your family is like, you might have something to fall back on money wise for a good many years yet (Maybe you can attend college or university in your own city?)
Making your own money, and enough of it to cover rent, bills, food etc is going to become a necessity instead of a "I need munz to buy that thing"
Since you're still youthful though, you have a lot of choices, by that I mean you probably don't have any student loans yet or other big debts to deal with. You can go anywhere, and learn anything you want if you plan for it. Or you can just get a job (or keep working one you already have?) while living at home and stockpile free money.
The most important thing going forward, no matter what, is actively learning several skills you can use to make money. Whether that's becoming some compentent graphic designer, professional artist, a commission artist with a ton of active clients. or a bunch of other things you might be interested in, (because lets be real, all I know about you is that you like to draw :3)
I made the mistake of putting all of my life skill points into laziness and good intentions. Turns out those are useless for making money. I pretty much gave up on improving things like art since everyone was so much better than me that it was embarrassing to try, and stopped getting fun entrepreneurial ideas I had as a child like brooms that doubled as vacuums.
At this point I'm 28 and only getting older. I'm still not good at anything, and I don't have any new friends that I didn't have 10 years ago, because making friends is super hard now, and no one wants to talk to someone who's being gloomy.
I may have missed my chance, but you still have lots of time left to make sure your future is a happy one. Connect with lots of people, think of ways to make money that you would enjoy doing, and LEARN AS MUCH STUFF AS YOU CAN. If you go to college or uni, it doesn't matter if you have the worst crappiest teachers ever, maybe they're completely backwards, but just learn as much from the entire school experience, and make as many connections as you can so you get your money's worth, and don't end up alone.
whew... Now that all the doom and gloom is out of the way, Congratulations on graduation. I really hope things go well for you, maybe 7 years from now I'll going to be looking at you as some big name out there, then I can be like "I USED TO COMMENT ON ODDLEM'S PROFILE AND ACTUALLY GOT REPLIES"
end wall of text
I'm planning on staying with my family so that I don't have to pay rent and can save up money. I'm super grateful that I have that option since I know a lot of kids (young adults?) who don't have a true "family" and don't have that option. ;v;
But yeah! I'm planning on going to a community for two years and a university for another two years in nursing. It's always something I've been interested in, and it also has a pretty decent pay as well. :D
>I pretty much gave up on improving things like art since everyone was so much better than me that it was embarrassing to try
I don't know if this means much to you, but I know that like 90% of artists are not proud of their work or at least are not satisfied. ;w; I don't think it would be too bad of an idea just to pursue art even in secret.
OH and the
I'm super glad you've mentioned this because this is literally the most IMPORTANT thing in the entire world. :0 If you don't keep actively using your brain, it starts to decay and is a huge step to getting a lot of brain diseases during old age. I know that was a little different from your original point, but learnin' is important! >:0
And lastly
>I may have missed my chance
Honestly, I don't think you have. To you, you may seem old but I assure you that it's still not too late to pursue what you want to pursue. 28 isn't as old as you think. ;w; My sister started college at around 23 or 24 and I think just got her associates and is trying to become a therapist. I know it's probably out of my place to say all of this, but I truly believe that you can still do the things you want to do and that it's absolutely not too late. In fact, I think a good half of the people attending my college is over ~35 years old (one time I even passed by a 70 year old when I went to counselling). I mean, I'm not exactly saying you should go to college, but if there's some kind of career or education you'd still like to pursue then yeah. ;v;
BUT! That all aside (sorry for my out-of-place ramblings QwQ) thank you for all of the advice you gave me as well as the congratulations >w< I'll try my best to follow it all in muh college times :'D
Good luck out there. Life can be full of change but you can overcome any obstacle. Just relax enjoy life as much as you can.
Thanks man, I guess I'll try my best. lol
Congrats ^_^
i hope everything will go as you want to and don't worry everything will be fine i'm sure it's just
a new step in your life ;)
Thanks! >w<
I hope so too, it's super spooky because it's something completely new and different ;v;